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❓ASK What is an Ascii domain name?


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Sep 25, 2023
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An ASCII domain name is a domain name that only contains characters from the English alphabet, numbers from 0-9, and hyphens with no other symbols. An example of an ASCII domain name is "beermoneyforum.com." Now you may see some website in chinese or different symbols. I think this falls under the IDN domain name. An Internationalized Domain Name (IDN) contains characters from other languages and scripts, such as Cyrillic, Japanese, or Chinese.
An ASCII domain name is a domain name that is made up of only letters, numbers, and the "-". This means that the domain name does not contain any special characters, such as "&", "?", ";", or ":". ASCII domain names are also sometimes referred to as punycode domain names. ASCII domain names are used because they are easier for computers to understand and process.
You've provided a clear distinction between ASCII domain names, limited to English alphabet characters, numbers, and hyphens, exemplified by "beermoneyforum.com." Indeed, websites with Chinese or other symbols fall under Internationalized Domain Names (IDN), incorporating characters from diverse languages and scripts like Cyrillic, Japanese, or Chinese. This differentiation is crucial for understanding the scope of domain name variations based on character sets and languages.
Yes they do , if there are much dashes spaces and special characters used in the name of a domain then it will become much difficult for the people to remember it and that is why care must always be taken so that the customers can always have benefits from the domain name .
When a domain name contains only standard ASCII characters, it is called an ASCII domain name. ASCII is an acronym for American Standard Code for Information Interchange, which is a standard for character encoding.

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