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SUPPORT Avoid Being Banned For Trash Comments

Awan Cheyanne

Emerald Member
Oct 7, 2017
Reaction score
French Polynesia Tahiti
BMF Points
Rating - 100%
2   0   0
In this guide, I will help you understand how to write a quality comment or review on BMF. This should help all new users understand what the site is looking for.

What Is Considered A Trash Comment?

I have taken examples from the forum of comments people have left. Here you will see the very low quality of the comment. This is what is considered a trash comment on the site:

  • Maybe my question fair from site paying or withdraw
    but my question "how to get your site script? i think really to start using this kind of sites. ' – Very low quality. The review gives full details of how the site works, how to join the site, and how to obtain the script.
  • You can pay through paytm also. Right? – The review clearly states that the company will pay through paytm.
  • 1st comment - Very scam site not count referral earning. 2nd comment - Why admin not explain the earnings of referral not counted this is type of scammm! 3rd comment - The admin not reply untill now what is bronlem this is type of scammm 4th comment - But it is scam it don't count referral earning it is scammmm. – Here you can see each comment is repeated but worded differently.
  • thanks for sharing this i will try and if i can withdraw i will post on this thread as a proof – low quality comment and padded just to earn money.
  • so first you need to deposit money to to start making it? well it probably is scamming people...have got paid from them? do you have any payment proof? – Trash comment and doesn't add anything to the topic at all.
  • I use to earn $100 Monthly income from https://www.captchcode.club?mref=gomez Just For Typing Online. although is small, but you can earn as much as $1250 if you work 8hours weekly – This is a spam comment. The comment isn't about the topic of discussion and they are spamming their referral link to this post. It is considered hijacking a post for personal gain.
  • This amount is very nice to prompt one to work with this sites, I wish you can upload a payment proof to show the legitimacy of this site and what kinda of task do I need to perform – Trash comment. The review states what is needed and this comment clearly indicates the person did not read this review.
  • Just wrote my first post on the system - let's see what happens! https://medium.com/@ICTman1076/musings-of-a-soundman-1-d4ea436dce0c - Trash post and spamming a link. They are trying to get people to visit the link so they can earn money from each visit.
  • With medium you pay$5 times 12 months which is $60 per year.You save $10 by paying $50 for the entire year.I have a free account but I am not paying to upgrade until somebody shows payment proof.Tell me more about stripe, can you withdrawl stripe money to your paypal account? – The review clearly states how this company pays. Nowhere in the review does it say they will pay you by PayPal. There is no need for this comment because the review tells you how you are paid.
  • Is this legit? Do you have any payment proof to show? Sounds like a good one, but i will see other comments first in order for me to decide if I will join or not. I have joined in many online jobs but no luck yet ( since I am still starting). Hopefully soon I will find my luck. I will keep on trying and trying. – This is a typical trash comment that we see on the site all the time.
  • 1st answer - This is really legit. I am using the survey app, and got the survey tasks twice. I got paid twice as well. What makes it better than other survey site or app is surveys are easy to answer as it is in a form of chat. 2nd answer - We receive tasks once in two weeks. Actually during Tuesdays or Wednesdays. Once tasks in two weeks is not enough. I got paid twice. But sometimes, there are two surveys in a day. 3rd answer - Survey comes every other week or every two weeks. Since one survey pays $1, then $5 per month would be unlikely. What more for $5 per week. I am sticking to the app because doing a task will only cost me 5 minutes. – As you can see here the person keeps repeating themselves and changing the response just slightly. This is considered trash because they have said it before. No need to repeat your response 20 times.
  • 1st response - Does this site not pay for all the country and why would I love to know – 2nd response - There are legitimate applications, but when asked whether this site pays to Arab countries, including Egypt, please provide – This says the same thing but it is reworded only.

What Is A Quality Comment?

  • Excellent shortening please change the reCaptcha for faster and more fluid ones. Look at these examples and compare them and you will see the tremendous difference.
    https://click2url.com/ZWyz3H4 https://tmearn.com/KKB2 - This comment adds quality to the site and it is very helpful to the owner of the program and to other members here on BMF.
  • I don't see how they could assure about $150 per month when the earnings would/should really depend on the effort of each individual. It seems like an easy way to make money (for them at least). I'm like you, I personally don't trust the ones that promise to pay you for work but you have to pay them first. They say they have transcription jobs but that's the dead give away - the guarantee claim is just too bold considering the quality of some audios. Lol. Well, I didn't see any reviews anywhere online about them but their identity and other basic details are currently hidden. – This adds quality to the topic and is helpful. There is information given and some research done before commenting on the topic.
  • Medium is LEGIT and a respected online writing community. I have nothing but praise for this site. It accepts original content and republished content. I am fully aware of the Partner Program but I have not signed up for it yet. Have heard good things about it though. Read an article where one guy said he made a few hundred dollars when he first signed up. You must have excellent writing skills. I use Medium to redirect traffic to my blog. It has a higher ranking in the search engine than my blog does so people will likely find my content there, before they ever find my blog. I republish my blog posts there and supply the link to the original source, i.e. my blog. If they like the post that was republished at Medium, they may click through and visit my blog to read other posts. – This adds quality and information to the topic and will help people out.
Low-Quality Reviews Considered Trash Reviews:

Quality Reviews:

Copy and Paste Content:

This should give you some ideas about what is a trash post and what is a quality post. Quality adds to the review and helps people to understand it better. Giving advice or suggestion on how to work on the application, earn money from it, or giving some tricks and tips about what you do is always considered quality content which benefits and helps a person.
A really great explanation for a people like me that still are relatively new to the forums. Speaking of which, I think many of the new users that only come to the forums to take part in the reward system, only make posts to ... well, get the reward. This instead of making a post only when the user really has something to say. I've seen other forums where posts made by new users must be accepted by a moderator before it's visible to everyone. Maybe could this be an option to get rid of the users who don't strive to help to forums?

It can also be a lack of knowledge. I myself have only been here for about a week, and coming from the "Avoid Being Banned For Trash Comments"-thread, this is the first time I really understand what you mean with the so-called "Posting quality" as stated in the rules. I think other new users may also miss it if they only read the rules in passing. A solution may be be to be more tough with the rules when signing up.

Finally, I looked through my own messages and saw that many of them, especially those posted in the marketplace section, could well be called "thrash". Although I haven't received points from any of these, they haven't really added anything to the thread. I therefore wonder, is it OK to post low-quality replies in the marketplace-section if it's directly requested by the OP? I mean, I often try to stick to PM's when completing a "Deal" or a "Job", but sometimes I'm requested to post a message in the thread too (probably as a way to keep the thread active so that other users more easily will find it).
I guess I am guilty of this in the marketplace too. I normally only answer with a @name - verified and paid. I don't see much else to write in the marketplace. However, on other threads that deal with reviews, I do my best to help everyone. When I write a review I go above the quality of the ones I've posted on here. I will give a lot of info in my reviews so there is no need to leave a trash comment behind asking for how it pays or other things everyone else leaves out. Most of the reviews are slim to none and don't offer a lot. I tried to pick a few reviews, but I really didn't have much time to look for a couple of them I knew were outstanding. Most of the reviews and comments all fell under the rash comments and post, but I had to find some decent ones to give you an idea of what should be posted on here. Nobody actually reads the comments in the marketplace. Just worry about posting quality comments on the thread where you are paid.
I think this is excellent! It helps people to see what NOT to do, plus you give examples PLUS links that tell you what "low quality" and "good quality" reviews are as well!1 Great job!
I do think this informational thread should also be sticky in the support subforum, so that lots of member will be able to see it especially new members that continuously violates these rules and keeps justifying their posts as "quality" and "freedom of expression" just to gain points
There's a lot of comments with very bad English it's hard to decipher just what some members here talking about. Maybe force/ask them to install Grammarly first before commenting?
Bmf should increase the amount the pay for each comment if they want so much quality in their comments. For 2 cents bmf should not expect pro content writer level comments. Just my opinion.
Bmf should increase the amount the pay for each comment if they want so much quality in their comments. For 2 cents bmf should not expect pro content writer level comments. Just my opinion.
bad idea, and bmf is not even expecting a "pro" level of writing skills, just informational ones as this is an informational forum, you can easily differentiate informational from rubbish ones
There's a lot of comments with very bad English it's hard to decipher just what some members here talking about. Maybe force/ask them to install Grammarly first before commenting?
yeah but no way, we have to understand each other, we have only English to speak and there are a lot of users here English isn't their mother language.
like my situation, English isn't my mother language and isn't the second language also. i am just learning it by myself day per day to make people understand me as possible
keeping the group clean with lot of rules and guild line to make this forum a safe place for everybody looking for one way (legit) or the other to make perceive income online...get informed...get empowered
For non native english speakers sometimes it's hard to translate and type in english the word they wanted to convey,and that thrash comment im guilty of it too,well some of it atleast
Massive spammer banned with over 500 posts in a single month.

Username: [S]Enoch01[/S]

Banned and lost 10.000 bmf points too. Avoid posting trash, avoid copy/paste. avoid multiple accounts so that you don't get banned like this cheater.
I don't know if this a suitable thread to ask a question but I am already here so I will just make it. Why do my message count stop increasing every time I post a new comment, I is at 18 at the moment. Is there something wrong with my account that I don't know?
I don't know if this a suitable thread to ask a question but I am already here so I will just make it. Why do my message count stop increasing every time I post a new comment, I is at 18 at the moment. Is there something wrong with my account that I don't know?

You post should be at least 100 characters long to be counted.

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