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ANNOUNCEMENT BeerMoneyForum.com YouTube Bounty


Staff member
Mar 24, 2016
Reaction score
BMF Points
Rating - 100%
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Dear BMFers,

Start earning more BMF Points for being part of BeerMoneyForum.com

If you are a bounty hunter you can get rewarded up to $100 to create a video review about BeerMoneyForum.com . The video must be posted on your own Youtube channel. The Reward is based on the quality of the video and the number of legit views/subscribers your channel has determined by BMF staff.

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  1. Reply below with your YouTube channel link for initial approval
  2. Once you get approved, You can start creating the video and publish it on your Youtube channel
  3. After Publishing the Video come back here and reply with your Youtube video link so we can verify it.
  4. The process to verify my take up to 7 days, after that if approved funds will be sent to you BMF walllet.

  1. Describe BeerMoneyForum.com platform and rewards program
  2. Make Sure Your Channel Has 99+ subscribers, has 5+ videos
  3. The video must be around 3-5 minutes long.
  4. Language accepted: English
  5. Your video must be new and original, not copied. Plagiarism or use of spam or copied material, unfavorable information, will be considered as invalid submissions.
  6. Payment will be refused for low-quality or uninteresting video.
  7. The video must not be deleted/removed at any time to be accepted in future bounties

Based on quality not quantity:
  • Good quality: 10,000 BMF Points (small channel +1000 SUBS)
  • Very Good quality: 50,000 BMF Points (medium channel +10,000 subs)
  • Excellent quality: 100,000 BMF Points (large channel +25,000 subs)
NOTE: Plagiarism or submitting content that isn't yours will get you banned from all bounty offers.
@BMF I have a channel but that's about my song i have recorded. Can I use the same channel for applying or need to create another channel for online money earning?
it will not be approved, sorry.
Are you saying 10,000 bmf points is the highest I can earn from posting the video there? , it's too Small it that's the case
Yes, you are very small channel only 500 subs and barely make couple hundreds views, this is considered very small channel, I will edit first page so people know from now what we mean by small channel.
Yes, you are very small channel only 500 subs and barely make couple hundreds views, this is considered very small channel, I will edit first page so people know from now what we mean by small channel.
Okay, now i get it.
Here's is my sister's channel with higher subs and views: http://www.youtube.com/@Sabigirl_comedy
Although she creates funny contents but I don't think that's an issue. What do you think?..can I use it?
Although she creates funny contents but I don't think that's an issue. What do you think?..can I use it?
Not related to making money, sorry cannot use that channel for this bounty.

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