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❓ASK Newbie Guide To Search Engine Optimization


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Mar 5, 2014
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As a newbie to the internet, it is so hard to understand what search engine optimization (SEO) is all about. You can spend years reading different articles, following advice, and searching endlessly for the answers. The biggest search engine giant, Google is always redefining their search engine and how a website is displayed. The ranking is determined by their rules and how they want your website to be user-friendly and easy to use.


In this tutorial, I want to help you understand what is SEO and how you can increase the quality of traffic that visits your website. When we talk about SEO we are referring to the practice a website owner must take to increase the quality and quantity of traffic to their website. This is done through organic search engine results from the major search engines such as Yahoo, Google, and even Bing. There are plenty of search engines online and any one of them can drive organic traffic to your website.

Understanding SEO:

This can be hard if you look at the big overall picture. However, if you can break this down it is so much easier to understand.

Quality of Traffic: You want to try and attract visitors to your website that are interested in what you have to offer. Search engines can send all kinds of traffic to your website, but if a person lands on your pages and they don't find what they are looking for, they leave immediately. Your goal is to try and make your content clear so that the traffic that comes to your site won't click away when they can't find what they are looking for.

The Quantity of Traffic: SERPs refers to search engine result pages. This is where the person will search and click on your link. The more traffic your site receives, the higher your site will rank in the search results.

Organic Results: When we talk about organic traffic, this is traffic that you don't have to pay for. It is traffic that is sent to your website through search engines.

How Do Search Engines Work?

There are a lot of factors that make up how a search engine ranks your site and how it is displayed in the search results. Google uses crawlers that go out and visit each site and find the information on the site. When the crawlers report back, the search engine builds their index. Now the search engines will use an algorithm to factor in all the information and display this to the person who types in the information they are looking for. The results are displayed as to order of ranking and importance.

Writing Content:

This is how a site owner will optimize their website is through the content that is displayed on the site. When you write an article for your website, it is necessary to select the best possible title for your article. The content that is written in the article should support the title. It should also give the person the information they are seeking. This is the most important aspect of SEO and it is the content on your pages that will increase your organic traffic.

Building an SEO Friendly Website:

Here is what is necessary for you to do in order to build an SEO friendly website.
  • Choose an SEO friendly website name. The name should reflect your site and the content that you have on your site.
  • Use keyword research when writing your articles.
  • Writing SEO friendly content that will attract the search engines and send more traffic to your site.
  • You'll need to understand robots.txt in order to optimize your content for a user-friendly site.
  • You will need to completely understand links and how to use anchor text in order to build your site and content.
  • Make sure you use metadata in your titles and only add links to relevant sites in your content.
  • You'll need to optimize your site to work on mobile devices and make a mobile-friendly website. This is very important these days.
Hope this will help you to get a better understanding of how SEO works.

Does anyone have anything they'd like to add?
Search engine optimization is one area that should be taken seriously by bloggers and other owners of site. One need his or her site to rank high on search engine to be able to make the site more visible to users.
SEO is very tricky for newbie as search engine optimisation is really complex for any one to understand clearly. Your concept is really good and easy to understand for newbie.
are the any SEO job/task tutorials here?
There are many jobs in online about SEO however if you want to learn SEO at online then you should hire someone who are good in SEO although established SEO person have no time to teach others. You can learn here by asking and reading SEO information .
I would say that when it comes to SEO the important thing to remember is "who is your target audience"? Once you understand who is reading your message online then it is easier to rank in Google. The algorithm is set to produce the best results for a search query. so if a person wants to know (how to pass the LSAT test) Google will give the person the website that has the best information to answer that question. A Blogger who has personally passed the LSAT and can share their story along with helpful tips for improved LSAT scores will have a easier time ranking than someone who is not familiar with the process.

Most content that is geared towards showing the reader "HOW TO" do something is going to get plenty of organic traffic. For example How to remove mold, how to get rid of cat pee or how to remove the ring in a toilet bowl. As long as your website is offering solutions to problems your pages will rank and having the correct keywords will become automatic.

Another interesting fact about Google is relevance, if you find that articles dated from 2 or more years ago are listed on the front page of a search query than you have a unique opportunity to create fresh new articles on the subject. I have found so many abandoned blogs online that are still getting traffic from Google because there is no new fresh content on the topic.
You are very correct you need to know your target audience before you can promote your brand or product first of all do some keyword search on google before you ever start promoting the product.

This will give you the chance to know exactly what people are looking for and the quality of article to be submited to search engine.
What you said is true if you have previous experience is seo then feel free to share your previous experience and knowledge with us ,I just started the business and learn about so many ways we can make money with seo and how to submit my article so am still looking for this advice from the professional.
Only at first sight Seo seems simple job. Unfortunately,not. There are lots of important aspects that Seo specialist has to bear in mind in order to increase organic traffic
The first thing you should now is make your content is visible and searchable. It is might be SEO 101 class first sentence. I mean we are creating sites for humans but don't forget, search engines supply huge traffic. Don't forget search engines.
These are very good pointers, so thanks for sharing :) I have a blog but to be honest, I'm learning as I go along. So these types of posts go a very long way in educating me. I do some research on the subject matter from time to time to stay abreast of trends as well, even though I don't always understand what's being talked about ?
The search engine is too complicated and complex for anyone starting it needs to be categorized into short stages that's my take
The search engine is too complicated and complex for anyone starting it needs to be categorized into short stages that's my take

Seems you're missing the whole point here. You don't have to understand the whole search engine, you just need to understand what people want and insert your keywords accordingly, that way your site can rank faster.
This is a good post about SEO. I just started learning about it and this has been a great source of information. I want to have my own blog soon and I know SEO is a necessary think to learn. I can't say I now fully understand but at least I got a solid clue on it.
Knowing your target audince. Is very important based on what I could understand from your article ,with this have read would help me go into blogging and start doing what would help others
Wonderful piece. With this write up I will go a long way in my new path, I m new in the online system. I Know others will also benefit from this piece. Thanks for sharing this this wonderful piece.

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