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Follow Along Journey to 100k subs on YouTube


Staff member
Mar 24, 2016
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Rating - 100%
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First off,

Why the heck all 400+ videos have been deleted from my YouTube channel called Beer Money Forum?

Well, nothing special except this morning I got a community strike guideline to one of my clips, was posted last year but the reason for the strike was "repetitive content, driving traffic from youtube to my site", fact that is not allowed as per their terms and since I promote my forum in each and every video, to not receive another 2 strikes and lose the entire channel I have decided is best to delete all videos except the most popular one.

At this point here are the stats of my channel:
Subs: 4,475
Views: 405,000
Cash: $885

I was doing about $5 per day and some days there were spikes like $7 per day, in general everything was ok except I over-promoted my forum LOLz, that's why we are doing so good on the forum and there's a lot of activity and traffic but this breaks YouTube terms, from now on I will try to make content that respects these terms, honestly I was not aware but this is not an excuse, I understand, it's ok.

The first video will be uploaded later today, quality now is the priority and will do my best to upload daily. This is my job, after all, I choose this.
That sounds like a huge setback...

At least it seems you saw it work, so now the motivation is there to pick things up again.
That sounds like a huge setback...

At least it seems you saw it work, so now the motivation is there to pick things up again.
Even they had deleted my channel I would start from ZERO and never give up, I have the resources and the motivation to do it again.

I knew what I do is working before starting, it is a lesson learned and RIP 400 videos but hopefully, I just saved 4400 subs which took me a year to gather. LOLz!
Even they had deleted my channel I would start from ZERO and never give up, I have the resources and the motivation to do it again.

I knew what I do is working before starting, it is a lesson learned and RIP 400 videos but hopefully, I just saved 4400 subs which took me a year to gather. LOLz!
It's because most of the traffic came from this site right? But what if next time you'll put it under bit.ly or goo.gle? to hide the traffic source? Do you think it'll work?
It's because most of the traffic came from this site right?
Nope, they like the fact that I drive traffic to YouTube, they did not like the fact that I put many links in the description of each video that drives traffic to my forum, so YouTube loses traffic, and on top of this, I repeated myself and over-promoted BMF in each video at the end. It's fine, I understand and will follow the rules, nothing to worry about. I'm sure I'm not first or last to break their rules.

What I have to do now is to stop over-promoting BMF in each video, stop posting links in the description so is not considered driving people off Youtube to my site intentionally, even I want this I must not sound like I want it badly. I can promote my site and post links but not so often and basically force people to visit my site, like 1 of 5 videos put the link and so on, not every video like I did LOLz!
@Mr. B You dont worry we are still here to support you! We are waiting for your next upload! By the way, do you have a plan to reupload again those old videos that you have? What I mean is to re-review those site without promoting BMF
By the way, do you have a plan to reupload again those old videos that you have?
I only have couples left and the future ones will be new videos, new ways to make cash. Thanks for your support!
What will happen to your current earnings? Are you still able to cash it out after receiving a strike and most of your video got deleted?
What will happen to your current earnings? Are you still able to cash it out after receiving a strike and most of your video got deleted?
Earnings dropped from $5 per day to $0.24 the very next day and yesterday I had $1.10 , curious tomorrow how much will be :)).

And the worst part, I used to get 10-20 subs per day, now ZERO, or lose a couple. It sucks but it will get better, I just need to upload good videos.

I'll be back to $5ish per day in 3-4 months I believe and that's because I already have the subscribers. I'll never stop Youtube, I really enjoy making the vids, will make'em even without getting money from them if necessary, they still drive traffic to my forum, so I still make money off that traffic.

Except I can't stream on the next 3 months no other feature are restricted until the strike will expire.
@Mr. B at least you are able to make money already on YouTube, I wish I could start earning on YouTube again but I do not know how I am going to start, and yes ofcourse, if you can earn it before, you can do it again
but I do not know how I am going to start
Upload tutorials and video reviews as I do. It works and you will be very satisfied after one year of work.
You could grow faster, depends how good videos are and how Youtube is ranking them.

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