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✅OFFICIAL EasyCut.io - Upto $20 CPM - $5 min withdrawal - Weekly payments - No Pop Ups

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Aug 6, 2023
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- High CPM of up to $20 CPM
- $5 min withdrawal
- 20% referral
- Weekly Payments
- Payout Method: PAYEER
- No Pop-Ups
- Faucet & Adult accepted


If you have any questions, just reply to this thread and we will reply within 12 hours.

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This uses the same system as ctr.sh does. I think both belong to the same person. Which is very good because he is paying.
Unfortunately, easycut CPMs are lower than ctr.sh
Forcing people to click on ads is too much. Especially when they click on banners, it won't the ad on a new tab. They'll never reach to the destination.
clicks are not profitable, equivalent to stealing

i think it s normal, this site only show 2 digits after decimal, 3rd digit will be rounded off.

eg : if you have $0.004 or less. it will be rounded to $0.00
if have $0.005 or $0.006. it will be rounded to $0.01
clicks are not profitable, equivalent to stealing

This is because we round 2 decimals. Your earnings with 1 click with a CPM of $4 are $0.004. If you get 2 clicks you would have $0.008 earnings, so you will see $0.01 on your dashboard because it are rounded numbers.
I have a huge list of url shortners and many of them accept faucet and ptc but the problem is you need quality traffic. Your traffic needs to have JavaScript enabled, cookies enabled, no ad blocker. Even though you may use ptc method to to get clicks, it is mostly not a quality traffic. There are many more problems like sometimes link does load, unusual pop ups, 18+ pop ups, and if link loads it will always try to redirect you to an ads page. That is why I don't like using url shortners while earning even if I want to use a shortner i will use one page shortners like nanolinks, za.gl, etc.
I have a huge list of url shortners and many of them accept faucet and ptc but the problem is you need quality traffic. Your traffic needs to have JavaScript enabled, cookies enabled, no ad blocker. Even though you may use ptc method to to get clicks, it is mostly not a quality traffic. There are many more problems like sometimes link does load, unusual pop ups, 18+ pop ups, and if link loads it will always try to redirect you to an ads page. That is why I don't like using url shortners while earning even if I want to use a shortner i will use one page shortners like nanolinks, za.gl, etc.
why you talk too long
Looking at your receipt I can see that my payments were omitted. But the strangest thing is that I have not received email if there is any problem.
We have temporarily disabled your future earnings due to poor quality traffic which causes low revenue for us. We will of course pay all your pending payments within 48 hours and within a few days decide and let you know if you can start using our shortener again.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

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