What Is Hook.io? More information about this company

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What Is Hook.io?

Hook.io is a microservice and webhook hosting similar to cloud.google.com and firebase.google.com combined. Microservice makes an entirely whole application into service-oriented in architecture and structural style; it serves the whole application via the cloud as loosely coupled services which resulting in lightweight and delivers lightning speed applications.

This is the software development technique that Google utilizes currently on its search engine, ability to deliver lightning-fast results but it contains billions of billions of complicated data, to deliver these data as loosely coupled microservices via cloud but the naked eye does not see all the remotely separate calculations it does in the background because all a user wants is their search engine results.

Company Behind

I don’t see any company registered with this web hosting, they should have made it easily accessible and displayed where everyone can see. It must be own by a group of technical people or just owned and managed by a highly technical person to maintain this service. Though in the domain whois, I can see Hook.io as a registered organization.

Technical Specifications

They got their domain name registered in September of 2014 from Hexone/1Api and hosted at I Want My Name.

Making Money

You can take advantage of the free developer account where you can host your webhook and microservices securely. You can use webhooks, for example, in Tawk chat panel. When you refer new developers, and they decided to upgrade their account you will receive 5% (five per cent) commission of all profits made from that user; a profit is defined minus all the expenses. So if that new developer decided to refer a paid developer, you would receive 2.5%, so in summary, it’s affiliate system is two levels, the first level of paid developer you receive 5% and second level you will receive 2.5%. They have posted several tips on how to acquire a referral and they are the following: writing a blog post about hook.io, creating a useful microservice or even a webhook and sharing it with others, open a pull request on your favorite npm (npm is a package manager for javascript.) module, by word of mouth, by your website and give a short talk about hook.io at your local meetups.



– Don’t underestimate the power of free
– While free user, you can make money with it


– The free version are kinda delayed in delivering results, most probably one of their marketing strategy to force you to upgrade.

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