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What's your OPINION about BeerMoneyForum.com?


Staff member
Mar 24, 2016
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This section is for free site reviews. BMF is a forum, so it's in the same BIG category.

What's your overall opinion about BMF? Is the design good or bad? Thank you!
Beermoneyforum is the best forum to judge whether a particular site is legit or scam and also the best place to earn for posting reviews about the sites and messages , no other forum can even be compared to beermoneyforum , that's the standard of this place.
Well from the beginning until today of using this forum I find it helpful.Design was good specially the developer himself has a good heart.I you ask me hypothetical question like" BMF or BOYFRIEND?"I would choose "BMF" Why? Simply because you can find a boyfriend easily on the street but you cannot find a website like BMF which gives you an idea and knowledge how to grow your pocket everyday.
A BOYFRIENDS takes out the money from your pocket,but BMF gives money inside you pocket.;)
I have been on this forum for more than 1 year now. I have seen the forum upgrade. I really like the design, it is easy to navigate around and find things. And what's more good then you earn money to give information on the forum? BMF is literally one of the best forums I have come across.
I have been on this forum for more than 1 year now. I have seen the forum upgrade. I really like the design, it is easy to navigate around and find things. And what's more good then you earn money to give information on the forum? BMF is literally one of the best forums I have come across.
Yes BMF helped me out a lot of times!
It helped me grow my website

I really like and enjoy this forum. I come back here EVERYDAY to check new apps and sites to earn money. I got paid multiple times from this website BMF points .
thanks to BMF , a lot of people can't only save a lot of time by avoiding the scamming websites , but also come across a lot of legit websites and meet people from around of world that are willing to share their income sources .
it's a great place to spend time in , simple as that !
Hey, so being honest - I love this site! The design, the threads, the post and how active the admin is, just shows what an incredible site this is! Definitely, my favourite forum website and one of my all time favourite websites!
BMF helps users to avoid scam sites , earn by posting threads and replies and help each other in the trades or by giving reviews of companies. This is the best forum for online money discussion.
i was invited here by @dadayli and he kept telling me that i will enjoy this place so much, i didn't complete a month yet and i'm really enjoying it , keep it up ;)
I like that beeeerforum I can learn a lot just by reading ppl threads. This site is good source of knowdlege for nubis like me, I can just sit and read all the posts till I find the way to my online glORY!
The design is completely nice, also the boards and sections are organized in a professional way, browsing is smooth and there are no problems to encounter, 10/10, good job Mr.b :)
i don't imagine that i am using beer money forum for free, it's amazing, you can search and get opinions about any site you want it, you can earn from it, you can advertise for your company.

best site ever ^^
I've never been this active in a forum like that in my life to be honest, I mean beside making money
there's so much new ideas from the members and that's make me want to check the forum everyday
also I always wanted to help people who doesn't really know how to make money because I feel them and I've been in their place before and this is the best place to do that
Where to start?
1. Free advertising
2. You get paid and find ways to earn income at the same time
3. Site is mobile friendly. I only ever viewed the site in mobile and so far hasn't encountered any problem
4. There's a marketplace, can create and do jobs just like Picoworkers/Microworkers!
5. Well-organized
6. Nice and cool admin ;)
The list goes on. Truly, BMF was designed by a genius. :Thumbsup:
Been active here since I found this and also this site is probably one of the highest paying I'm now using, much higher than them faucet ( except if you got lucky in the faucet and hit that jackpot number xD )
Beermoney forum is the best place for those who are looking for member-generated reviews, add that with honest reviewers makes this place simply great.
I use android and beermoneyforum.com perfectly shapes it while other forums very small texts which newd to zoom to see texts (missing mobile compatibility - old phpbb way). Design is nice and fast too. Honestly I will raise one issue sometimes when we touch for writing comment or thread "post reply" button comes very near to our finger or bottom text which can be accidentally touched and an unfinished post or comment get published. Though it has nothing to do with ease (if I suggest a confirm button then it will delay posting by 1 degree complexity so I will not suggest that). This issue arise more when we attach image or touch bottom text to edit a mistake which is very risky place near post button. A suggestion can be "Attach Files" and "Post" and "Preview" button alignments those elements can be placed little down to have some safe space to avoid accidents.

Its a nice earning opportunity with active admin and community members.
I like this site. It is certainly an idea that many have had in their heads, but you were the one who implemented it best and today you managed to make this idea a brand. Congratulations for all the work done. keep it like this!
One of the best forum sites.
Many forum sites are in the online world but none of them pays their user this much and none of them do have great supportive admin or moderators.
Always wishes, BeermoneyForum lives forever.

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