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✅LEGIT SMS Profit App Reviews: SCAM or LEGIT?


Emerald Member
Nov 23, 2018
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Karachi, Pakistan
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SMS Profit is an Android application that pays you $0.02 per each test messages you receive on your number.
You can cashout once you reach $2.00 minimum withdrawal threshold.
For now, the app pays by PayPal only. Later they will add options for Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum etc.
Basically, the app runs on background and needs an active data connection(wifi or mobile data) you will receive test text messages manually each 24 hours of the day.
You can contact their support to increase the rate of credits earned per test message.(limit slots only)
This app does not have a referral program.
You will receive $0.50 bonus for the first time you register in the app.
Dual sim mobiles have more profit if you verify both of your mobile numbers because this app has dual sim support.
You can download the app from their website: http://smsprofit.net


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Dear SMS Profit user,

We regret to inform you that due to unforeseen technical issues, payments will not be made until mid-December, 2023. via PayPal or Bitcoin.
We understand the importance of timely payments and apologize for any inconvenience this delay may have caused.
We assure you that our team is working diligently to resolve the issues with PayPal and Bitcoin payments, and we aim to have the system back to normal functioning at the earliest.

Your patience and understanding in this matter are greatly appreciated.
Kind regards,
I've never heard of an application like this that pays to receive SMS. But since I see this discussion is dated back 2018, frogive me If I ask you:

Is this SMS Profit APP still working?
If yes, does it also work in countries like Italy where the currency is not Dollar "$" but €uro?

Thank you.
I don't want to receive BTC as I have heard the fees are high. Can you tell me how much fee they charge you.

It don't charge they pay exact. That depends on your wallet how much it cost you to swap.

As Boypat says they don't charge you a fee, you get the exact amount you earned.

I like receiving it in BTC, if the price rises it is worth more than the original amount you earnt.
This sounds like a cool way to earn passively. But I really have issues with crypto payments being through bitcoin only. I heard in some quarters that they wanted to add Litecoin as a payment option. Is that not yet achievable? If they add another crypto, would get in.

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