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✅LEGIT Offersbux.com Reviews: SCAM or LEGIT?

Welcome! You have been invited by OffersBux to join our community. Please click here to register.
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Aug 13, 2017
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This is a new ptc site,where you can earn cash by:
-viewing ads
-playing head tail game
-playing grid game
-doing sign ups
-traffic exchange

Minimum withdrawal amount of cash:1,000 Cashout points(10 USD)
Payment processors:Advcash,Skrill,Perfect Money,Neteller, Papara, Payeer,Bitcoin.

There is a mistake about withdrawal. We don't have a Minimum Limit, so it's not $10 :Smile:
Members can request withdrawal when they reach 1000 Cashout Points.

All you need to reach 1000 Cashout Points and request withdraw. You can easily get Cashout Points by clicking Bonus Ads and Offerwall Ads.

Each $0.0001 gain will give you 1 Cashout Point. If you click on a high-value ad, you can earn cashout points up to the ad value. For example, if you click $0.0025 value ad, you will earn 25 Cashout Points. So, you will be already collected 1000 Cashout Points when your balance reach to $0.10

Please check our topic about Cashout Points:
So by clicking ads i can get 27 cashout points, and if i click on all of bonus ads i'll get another 300 cashout points. So in one day it will be 327 points and in 4 days i can request a payment...that's ok, but it takes time to do bonus ads, so i don't know if it's worth trying..
Sorry, another bad site. You ll never get to 10.00 unless you have a ton of ref. people stick to the sites we know pay and are far less than 10.00 .. there are so many out there.
I just received my payment on OffersBux:


Only five days working on the site! Thanks, this is paying very quickly.

Join OffersBux under my referral link if you want:
Nice! I won't hesitate to give this a try. I like it's low minimum payout requirement and having Bitcoin as a payment option.
Yes, I totally recommend it if you want to earn some small bitcoin amounts , it doesn't require much work and pay better than bitcoin faucets.
I will attach my payments proof with you, the last that I received was just yesterday to my coinbase wallet.
@Mr. B I received payments almost instantly from this site and I think that it should be marked as a legit one.


  • lll.png
    84.1 KB · Views: 674
There are new features added as an offerwall contest, minutestaff, wannads, offerdaddy, offertoro, personaly so there is a chance to earn more on this website.
Thanks @kona1 I forget to share Contest announcement :Thumbsup:

Hello Dear

I am glad to announce that; Monthly Offerwalls Contest started!

You can earn up to 30% of your earnings based on your Offerwall activity

For example: If you earn $100 and won this contest, $30 will be added to your main balance

Here is the prizes:

1st - 30% of Earnings (Main Balance)
2nd - 25% of Earnings (Main Balance)
3rd - 20% of Earnings (Main Balance)
4th - 15% of Earnings (Main Balance)
5th - 10% of Earnings (Main Balance)
6th - 5% of Earnings (Main Balance)
7th - 5% of Earnings (Main Balance)
8th - 5% of Earnings (Main Balance)
9th - 5% of Earnings (Main Balance)
10th - 5% of Earnings (Main Balance)

So, let's begin

You can check this contest from here: Offerwalls Contest

* This contest starts on 7 January 2019 and ends on 7 February 2019(Server Time: 23:59)
Hello Dear

During the Pre-Launch phase, we reviewed our site and made some changes. Firstly, thank you for your understanding

Based to research and reviews, we decided to our site is ready for Officially Launch

Please check our TOS and FAQ for more information

What did we do in this Pre-Launch process?

We added new Offerwalls and we have 16 Active Wall on OffersBux

We added new Payment Options and we have 9 Active Option on OffersBux

* Please check our Withdrawal Rules before requesting payment

We added Offerwalls Contest
* You can earn up to 30% of your earnings

We added LeaderBoard

We tried to make our Advertising prices more lower
Advertise with OffersBux
* Renewal Feature have been added to the Rotate4All links. It provides double gain if you advertise with us

We created our Facebook Page to improve communication

And we made countless changes and bug fixes with your support

I sad to say; Daily Bonus is fixed to $0.01 with 10 click rule.
* Url Shortener sites are not accepting PTC sites. So, we didn't get payment from them. With this situation, we eliminate these sites and fixing the Daily Bonus to a more appropriate amount

Thank you for your support

Let's win together
wouldn't the service fee exceed the amount on a 28 cent payment. ?
If you choose Payeer, Perfect Money, AdvCash or Coinbase, we will send your payment without fee :Thumbsup:

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