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Jul 8, 2017
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12% Daily Returns for 12 Business Days: This plan was excecuted to return a steady daily interest that will be credited automatically to your account balance every business day (from Monday to Friday) until your deposited principle has expired after 12 business days. Upon expiry, the invested sum is absorbed and you will stop making further profits unless you invest any new funds further.

If you'd start with $10,000 deposit, you'll be credited $1,200 interest every 24 hours (on business days) for the next 12 business days. After 9 business days you'll pass break even point with over 108% back (including principle) and upon expiry you will earn a total of 144% i.e. ~ $14,400 in total, in other terms NET profit of $4,400 ~ 44% per term. You can withdraw from balance or re-invest (compound) at anytime to increase your average monthly profit.

Plan Terms: 12% Daily for 12 business Days
Total Monthly Profits: ~144% Gross Return
Min - Max Per Withdrawal: $2.5 - No Limit
Min - Max Deposit Per Slot: $5 - $10,000
Upon Expiry Principle: Included in Profits (Not Returned)
Payment methods: Bitcoin, Perfect Money, Payza, Advcash, Payeer,
Monero, Ethereum, Dash, Litecoin, Ripple


Referal Program

hyip investor monitoring site

The biggest problem with almost all of these HYIPS is that they do not have an actual product for you to get behind. UNTIL now.

I've been active for a little over a month and I've had such a great experience. Their super tight on security and that's a bit annoying but I feel safe and cozy because of it. They put the "T" in transparency and show you EVERYONE's transactions.

They don't work weekends and holidays but then the interest is so good that it balances out. They have a phone number to call during work hours if you need immediate support. I called one time just to see if they were serious. Their basic support is through a little message box and they handle matters FAST! My deposit got held up for about an hour because I didn't send enough bitcoin. I gave them a chat message and they asked me what I wanted to do. I told them to just deposit whatever I did send. They went farther and deposited a little more than I sent them. As an apology. Needless to say I felt warm and cozy inside.

I love these folks. O and did I mention that their an American company that's been in the laser technology field for YEARS! I'm doing so well with them and I'm hoping you can come get money with me. Love and Blessings Everyone
In fact HYIP is the most profitable business on the internet. With a bunch of smart marketing on the internet and very high confident almost no emotion business mind accomplishment.

  1. Laser Online program pays interest basis on business day only. (So, if there is a public holiday in between the week days there is no accrued interest)
  2. A definitely smart multi level marketing company.
  3. You are basically investing in fiat value even though you deposited using Bitcoin.
You may end up getting the same amount of the BTC which you had invested in the first place when the BTC coin value grew is stronger than fiat. Unless Bitcoin market crashed by the end of 12th days. You would have earn more bitcoin from this scenario.

And there is a significant chances the HYIP will close down their website and just ran off with all members investment.
The problem is with these quick sites what we never know when it's going to fail, you need to invest in the first place and get the money, after all when he goes over a month is a huge risk, well done to whoever has that role and now but I think I got burned once
Pure gambling :) I dont like sites organize as a ponzi hyip matrix and so on.... this is a simple stealing from naive people, naive greedy people :) or for some who like gambling
I agree with you and all those sites by me never last longer than a month and is still at least a day more. It is just for some who have money to invest and come back in a day or two stakes.
It's not worth it to invest a change because it's never going to get away.
The problem is with these quick sites what we never know when it's going to fail, you need to invest in the first place and get the money, after all when he goes over a month is a huge risk, well done to whoever has that role and now but I think I got burned once

The only reason I posted this in HYIPS is because I'm not allowed to make a whole new thread elsewhere. Laser.Online is not some fly by night company. This is an American Laser technology company in America that has YEARS in business. You can easily verify their activity in the medical, engineering and military fields. They decided take advantage of the Crypto market to increase their profits.

If I wanted to, I can walk right into their Main office today. These are not some European criminals with a copy n paste website tricking people out of their coin. They even take Ether, LTC and Dash for deposits. You can miss this bus if you want, but trust me, you'll be sad when you see six months later, this is still here and pumping out the cash:))
CryptoGangsta - based on your glowing review, I used your link and invested, (only what I can afford to lose, of course!), into this company. So if it works out, we'll both benefit.
CryptoGangsta - based on your glowing review, I used your link and invested, (only what I can afford to lose, of course!), into this company. So if it works out, we'll both benefit.

Hey that's great! And I thank you for using my link:))
However I can't give great reviews on their referral perks BUT they just added Team bonuses. Basically everyone in your team splits $5000.00 and up when you go past certain peaks in investing. Now that's pretty damn cool. They just added that recently. That's one thing I love about this company. They just keep getting better. If hey didn't have the Laser products, then I would SWEAR they was a scam, because their just to good to be true. Welcome to the team bro!
I am in this program from 30.07.2017.
The project is incredible. And this is my last payment from today:
Dear nextsummer,
Your withdrawal request was executed successfully, we have sent money into your account.
Amount sent: $6.00
Transaction code: 3deacbc2b4f9383b700d38c2ea931060a9a281e6f4551bf5622325018eeacb2c
Payment sent to: Coinbase
Got my first payment from these guys:

Screen Shot 2017-10-05 at 8.33.11 PM.png

I put $30.00 USD into Laser.Online, so I'm more than half-way to breaking even.

Here is more info for non-believers:

Screen Shot 2017-10-05 at 8.40.34 PM.png

So AT THE MOMENT this HYIP is paying.
Got my first payment from these guys:

View attachment 2800
I put $30.00 USD into Laser.Online, so I'm more than half-way to breaking even.

Here is more info for non-believers:

View attachment 2801

So AT THE MOMENT this HYIP is paying.
Congrats for your 1st payment from laser.online. How long time you working with this site? How much money you make per day from here, can you please share? thanks in advance.
all these hyip sites will not last long, it keeps paying as long as there are members who will invest thinking they are really earning from real investments but only get paid from other member's money.

the reason why they exist and will continue to exist and keeps re branding websites to look new but would still use the same business model is because people support these kind of ponzi schemes with the perception of doubling their investment for a short period of time.

people will never learn until all their money get burned.
I am a little bit doubtful of the investment scheme of Laser. Here is my basis:

They said that if you invest at the lowest amount of $5, you will have $7.20 in 12 days. (Note: Your initial investment will no longer be returned to you.)

Lowest investment amount of $5 is equal to 0.00113737 BTC,
Remember you have to pay for the network fees which is equal to 0.00047356 or roughly equivalent to $2.09,
Over-all, your investment would be $7.09.

Therefore, your actual profit would be:
Promised earning of $7.20 (in 12 days) less your over-all investment of $7.09 will be,
$7.20 - $7.09 = $0.11

I don't think this is profitable if you invest on the minimum offer. Please advise me friends.
@Tulip: I just signed up with these guys a few weeks ago. I took some money out to see if they actually pay. Now I am going to "double down" for a bit, then try to get my money out.

@cashonline: I agree with you in principle. That is why you should NEVER invest money in a HYIP that you aren't willing and able to lose. I am just hoping that I can get some profit before the pyramid collapses. (Yes, I admit it - I am motived by GREED!)

On-the-other-hand, @CryptoGangsta has a great review of these guys, and gives a compelling argument why investing with them is a reasonable risk. At least I consider it a reasonable risk; you'll have to make your own decision.

@reyronaldo: Your numbers look okay to me. I suppose you need to balance putting in a larger amount to avoid your profit being eaten by fees, (not to mention fleas! :Roflmao:), versus having too much money at risk of being taken by a scam.
@Tulip: I just signed up with these guys a few weeks ago. I took some money out to see if they actually pay. Now I am going to "double down" for a bit, then try to get my money out.

@cashonline: I agree with you in principle. That is why you should NEVER invest money in a HYIP that you aren't willing and able to lose. I am just hoping that I can get some profit before the pyramid collapses. (Yes, I admit it - I am motived by GREED!)

On-the-other-hand, @CryptoGangsta has a great review of these guys, and gives a compelling argument why investing with them is a reasonable risk. At least I consider it a reasonable risk; you'll have to make your own decision.

@reyronaldo: Your numbers look okay to me. I suppose you need to balance putting in a larger amount to avoid your profit being eaten by fees, (not to mention fleas! :Roflmao:), versus having too much money at risk of being taken by a scam.
so are you happy with this earning? my question also should be how much time you invest for the site? is this an investment plan?
@Old Grump Thank you for your reply. May I ask if you know some links that could give me a better view or graph of investments vs. network fees? I think that would help me serve as a guide for my future investing.
It's almost three months and then this old website, I think in any Hiyp program if you don't come in on time, or at the beginning of anything you do later is a cat in the bag.
lol @ Old grump yes indeed people are easily lured with small amounts of investments to test the waters hoping to make some small amount of profit, well I guess hyip or other related sites with big promises is no longer my cup of tea after all those years of experience like gulf reserve, silverstructure, ardex funds, trafficmonsoon, HQRevshare, hash ocean, shareholder-ic and so on all with a ponzi schemes I had enough.

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