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❓ASK How to start a business without taking risk?


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Oct 25, 2022
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I am from India, and I have a regular offline job. My present job is very exhaustive and demands more time spent in the factory. But the fact is, they pay well for the job.

But for the last few months, I have been feeling bored with my job and have been trying to change jobs. I have applied for my resume on various sites, but every time my resume gets disapproved for any position because of my high salary and unwillingness to change locations,.

So at last, I have decided to start my own business, but I am scared because, at this age, I cannot afford failure as my kids are grown up and will start their higher education soon, which requires a lot of money.

I am in search of business ideas where I have to invest less capital and which have the minimum risk of losing money. Anyone, please advise.
The only business that I know with less minimal of risk is the business of buying and selling. Though there are no business that are totally risk free. Why I prefer this business is because you are the manager of your capital and if you are wise and experienced, you can turn over your start up capital within a short period of time..
The only thing coming to my mind is blogging to monetize, since it were at zero cost (no paid domain name, no paid hosting service) and since the government in your country doesn't require the opening of a VAT (it could be expensive) as it happens to bloggers and whatever freelancer in the Western countries. In any way, I won't advise you at all to quit your job: it's very, very hard to earn a salary only through blogging (the competition is very rough). It isn't so risky, until you can keep your blog for free (in any way, experts say a professional blog should pay for domain name and hosting) and you haven't to open a VAT (depending on the tax laws in your country), but not that easy to monetize.
There are risks associated with every business. The moment you plan to start a business, get ready to take risks. Most business owners depends on imported goods and products and these products are imported from outside the country. They are able to take such risks as unforseen uncertainty could happen and they loose their money..
The truth is that you are planning to take the biggest Risk if you are planning to start your business without a risk. everything we do in this life involves risk at certain level and there is no way you can avoid it. The reason why you want to avoid risk is because you don't want to fail with your business. There is no way you achieve success with something without having some failures.
The only business that I know with less minimal of risk is the business of buying and selling. Though there are no business that are totally risk free. Why I prefer this business is because you are the manager of your capital and if you are wise and experienced, you can turn over your start up capital within a short period of time..
Definitely, there's no business without risk, infact I once heard from a business expert that any business one wants to embark in, without the business posing some risk, it means it is very risky on itself, so I totally agree with you, buying and selling is a good business has minimal risk.
There are no business that are without risk no matter the nature of the business or investment. Most people due to fear refuse to venture into any business or investment. When you are afraid to take risk to start a business, it means that you are planning for poverty as people who fail to plan has planned to fail..
Starting a business without taking any risk is nearly impossible, as all businesses come with some level of risk. However, there are ways to minimize the risks involved in starting a business. Some strategies to reduce risk include conducting thorough market research, creating a solid business plan, starting small and gradually scaling up, seeking advice from experts, and testing your business idea before fully committing to it.
Starting a business with minimal risk requires careful planning, research, and strategy. Understand your target audience, industry trends, and competitors to make informed decisions.
@Skylark I agree, but these are theoretical things. One cannot look for all these things. If someone looks for them all, there would be no loss or failure of the business. Still, one should try them all. Planning and market research are two important things; at least these should be studied carefully before starting any business.
The biggest risk you can take in this life is to risk nothing. You should remember that nothing venture nothing gain. When give it a trial even if you don't achieve your desire results at least you are going to equip with new knowledge. And when you are starting all over again you are not starting from scratch.
There are no business that are without risk no matter the nature of the business or investment. Most people due to fear refuse to venture into any business or investment. When you are afraid to take risk to start a business, it means that you are planning for poverty as people who fail to plan has planned to fail..
I think every business or investment has its own level of risk, but it's important for individuals to weigh the potential rewards and drawbacks before making a decision. While it is understandable to have uncertainties and fears, allowing these fears to prevent one from taking action towards their financial goals can be detrimental in the long run.
One can not actually venture into business without risk. Making up your mind to begin a business means you have accepted to take a risk. There are risks associated with every business.
But one should always take risks that are very necessary to avoid making so much mistake in such investment..
One can not actually venture into business without risk. Making up your mind to begin a business means you have accepted to take a risk. There are risks associated with every business.
But one should always take risks that are very necessary to avoid making so much mistake in such investment..
I believe it's important to note that not all risks are created equal and entrepreneurs should focus on taking risks that are necessary and have a high potential for reward. This can be achieved by careful planning, identifying potential risks, and having contingency plans in place to mitigate any negative outcomes.
Completely avoiding risk when starting is not very realistic or possible. A better approach would be to minimize risk by having Plan B & C ready rather than relying solely on the business. One must also start small on the side until it picks up before taking a full time plunge.
Completely avoiding risk when starting is not very realistic or possible. A better approach would be to minimize risk by having Plan B & C ready rather than relying solely on the business. One must also start small on the side until it picks up before taking a full time plunge.
I feel Risk is an inevitable part of any business venture, and it's important for entrepreneurs to be prepared for the unexpected. Having backup plans, such as a Plan B and C, can help minimize risk and increase the chances of success.
There is no business that can be started without having a risk appetite. You can minimise the risk factor but can't get totally rid of it. First you have to find the niche for your business. Go for something of your interest that you will be able to sustain in long run. Start small and test the water first. Expand it only when you feel comfortable with it.
There are always risks in every business, so there are no business that are risk free. But business failed because the risk assessment are not studied before the business are established. Though there are some business that the risk level are little and there are other businesses that comes with huge level of risks as well..
I am from India, and I have a regular offline job. My present job is very exhaustive and demands more time spent in the factory. But the fact is, they pay well for the job.

But for the last few months, I have been feeling bored with my job and have been trying to change jobs. I have applied for my resume on various sites, but every time my resume gets disapproved for any position because of my high salary and unwillingness to change locations,.

So at last, I have decided to start my own business, but I am scared because, at this age, I cannot afford failure as my kids are grown up and will start their higher education soon, which requires a lot of money.

I am in search of business ideas where I have to invest less capital and which have the minimum risk of losing money. Anyone, please advise.
You have done very well by analysing and reviewing the risks and benefits of having a business, but any business that doesn't involve any risk is most likely not going to be a lucrative or profitable business, the risk is what makes it a business, no risk no gain, but there are petty businesses like selling of stationaries, you can always start them, those ones do not have much risks involved in it.
In such a case like our friend's (especially considering his sensitive worry: he can't jeopardise and risk the high level education of his children), maybe the least risky option could fit his needs, despite all of us know a low risk means the business won't be that lucrative.
You can do all that you need to do to minimise the risk, but you can't nullify it. You might have done everything meticulously from planning, management, risk assessment, execution etc, but still you have a nominal chance of something going wrong that could not be foreseen. So, if you don't have a risk appetite, business might not be your cup of tea.

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