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❌SCAM Dualmine.com Reviews: SCAM or LEGIT?

2.31 star(s)
13 Rating - Raters


Emerald Member
Mar 23, 2018
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Dualmine.com Review.jpg

New Cloud Mining Site to Invest

FREE 100 GH/s For Sign Up
Min Deposit: 0.001 BTC, 0.014 ETH
Min Withdrawal: 0.005 BTC
Accept: Bitcoin, Etherum
Referral Program: 10% hash power from each purchased
info Promotion - Today we will double your BTC Power!
1. Create an order for BTC power.
2. Pay for it and send us Ticket with confirmations.
3. We will double Your power!
*For example: Order and pay for 1000 GH/s and you will get 2000 GH/s!
Hi Guys
today i bring to you this site called dualmine , url: https://dualmine.com/ a cloud mining site , with an interesting invesment program.
I've talked with an expert BMF user in cloud mining legit/scam sites (Shanti) and he told me has good feeling about this site and looked legit.

The welcome message is:
Multiply your Bitcoin and Ethereum
Start mining and increase your crypto capital now!

the information contact show they are locate in london (of course) and has socials channel including famous telegram , secure DDos protection Secure SSL encription and The payments ins only in BTC and ETH, Everything looks good until now.
Screenshot_2018-08-08 Dualmine - Multiply your Bitcoin and Ethereum.png

Of course i registered it the register link is: https://dualmine.com/?ref=17133
and once into your account you gonna see this dashboard where you can configure the mining crypto and the power hash :
Screenshot_2018-08-08 Dualmine - My profile.png

Anyone has proof of payments of this sites?
I have joined this site way before. And didn't checked it since then. Don't know if they pay without investment or not. I will go and check how muchy account has and try to withdra if possible.
Because I am named here, I feel like I have to say a few things :-)

First of all.
I said, I can't say for sure if it is a scam.
I can't say any obvious signs of being a scam, like offering too much profit or such a thing.
But of course, you never know for sure.

Personally, I would wait a few months before joining such a site, because they could always be a ponzi. But at least, it's not obvious right now.
I checked my account and there were 0.00089 btc in it. Since minimum withdrawal limit is 0.003 I cant withdraw. I don't know how many months its been since I opened my account on this site but it didn't give too much btc a day.
I checked my account and there were 0.00089 btc in it. Since minimum withdrawal limit is 0.003 I cant withdraw. I don't know how many months its been since I opened my account on this site but it didn't give too much btc a day.
same to me, my account is at 0.0009 Btc (I only run it with the free Gh/s). They have a FB-Site and one on Telegram, but I don´t know much about whether they pay or not. Time will tell....
Income table from this site looks pretty normal and legit!
Screenshot_2018-08-09 Dualmine - Create order.png

if i investing 200k ... i got a daily profit of 5.000 satoshis and Monthly profit of 30.000 satoshis, i wont get rich instantly, it have sense to me
Income table from this site looks pretty normal and legit!
View attachment 17829
if i investing 200k ... i got a daily profit of 5.000 satoshis and Monthly profit of 30.000 satoshis, i wont get rich instantly, it have sense to me

So do you recommend this site for invesment?
It will take you 3.5 months to recover your invest.

I am not for the return of investment. As I saw on the picture you attached, for investment of 0.002BTC, yearly profit is 0.0036BTC. The minimum payout is 0.003BTC. Therefore, it will take a year before I can have my withdrawal.

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