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❓ASK Do you know any betting industry that was reigning before but not any more?


Diamond Member
Aug 31, 2020
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Betting industry is not as easy as we may be thinking. It is very difficult to manage. This has made some people to sell off their gambling shops. There was a particular betting industries I grew up knowing but has faded now. There are many like that.

Betting industries truly require some kind of experience and dedicated workers that are ready to work. What do you think of this? Share it in the comment section for others to know.
i noticed that before people actually bets in shops and others , but now the way people bet in shops have dripped drastically, it seems people are actually considering the other means of them betting and others at some time
The horse racing industry used to be the king of betting, but not so much anymore. These days, people are more into sports betting and online casino games. The betting landscape has really evolved over time.
The horse racing industry used to be the king of betting, but not so much anymore. These days, people are more into sports betting and online casino games. The betting landscape has really evolved over time.
It is true that the horse racing industry used to dominate the betting industry, but in recent years, sports betting and online casino games have gained significant popularity. This shift in preferences can be attributed to several factors
There is a betting company in my country called Winners Bet. It was one of the pioneers of sports betting in the country. But competition set into the industry and I doubt of Winners Bet is still in existence.

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