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✅LEGIT contract-miner.com Reviews: SCAM or LEGIT?

4.67 star(s)
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Aug 31, 2018
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"Welcome to Contract-Miner BETA, here you can create & upgrade your very own bitcoin farm."

No its not Cloud Mining!:eek: Yes its a Game:D:p, a simulation:Thumbsup: that you have a mining rig at Home.

- Minimum Withdraw 1 sat to FaucetHub.
-Chat rewards
-Several Tasks
-Level up reward
-Auto Miner
-Paid Contracts:
Contracts up to 445sat=35sat profit
-Multiple Tiered miners
-25% Referral Commission

Get your account Here!:Hilarious::Hilarious:
Payment Proof: https://gyazo.com/786934308dfbd0f93ad0d52502877656 :Greedy:Greedy:Greedy

https://gyazo.com/cfd60e93fc05bc6ca8f816f1612fb4ff :Greedy:Greedy

And Many more things are being worked to get add!:eek::eek:
hello, do i need to deposit any bitcoin into this game for earnings passive income ? And I don't understand about the means of paid contract ? and the meaning of auto miner and the multiple tier miners ? thx
No you dont need to deposit, its a free game, you start by walk into your parents house, wich will give you 5 free space to hold miners, the first paid contract its free.
All the others paid contracts you need to pay lets say for example 100 sat to win 120.
The auto miner is where your miners will have use, there are requirements to start an auto miner contract.
Yup, can vouch for the site, haven't missed a payment and the admin is pretty active.


  • Payment Proof.png
    Payment Proof.png
    10.3 KB · Views: 528
i have joined under rgblue. can you teach me how to do first ? Any strategy to take? and what is meant by mining rate there? and the increasing percentage there? thx!
Move into your parents house on the proprety tab, that house will give you 5 free spaces to buy miners, go to homepage, scroll down and do the only contract available, repeat it until you level up and unlock new contract tiers.

At shop or bit market tabs, you can buy miners, those miners will work on the auto miner tabs. Miners can only be bought with internal balance, internal balance is exchanged from regular btc, 4%fee 250sat minimum. Auto miners will give you extra earnings depending of you hashrate. (this part will take a bit to grow).
what is the internal mh/s? is it permanent to my 500mh/s? For the auto miner, i don't know what is the multiplier means and the output value means ? how to generate passive income ? thx
Its permanent with the 500mh yes. There is no passive, you always have to sove shortlinks to get the site going, basically the site works with tasks.,similar to faucets but in game mode, and the possibility of earning more with time.
thx for the detailed information ! but something i don't understand is how to get power back after running auto miner ? and how to earn internal balance without transfer from main balance ? and the shop upgrade details and percentage means? thx
Seems like a very interesting website. Definitely going to check it out while waiting for @Mr. B to label this as legit!

Hello, i have made a small guide on how to start earning in this game, take a look at it if you are interested.
https://zipdadip.wordpress.com/2018/04/28/contract-miner-tutorial/ ;);):BTC::BTC:
Thanks for this guide. Really helps me navigate the site more easily and lets me understand how the site works. Seems like a fun way to earn btc so I think I may use this for a long period of time
Seems like a very interesting website. Definitely going to check it out while waiting for @Mr. B to label this as legit!

Thanks for this guide. Really helps me navigate the site more easily and lets me understand how the site works. Seems like a fun way to earn btc so I think I may use this for a long period of time
feel free to ask anything in game chat too, you also get rewards for chatting :)
thx for the detailed information ! but something i don't understand is how to get power back after running auto miner ? and how to earn internal balance without transfer from main balance ? and the shop upgrade details and percentage means? thx
after the auto miner is over all you have to do is finish the shortlink, and refill it again with the amount of energy needed. there is only 2 ways to earn Internal balance, its by exchange 250sat minimum and 4% fee, or completing tasks.
I just joined the site a few minutes ago but I am not receiving an email confirmation on my email address, I don't know what is wrong about it. I just input the correct email address and its been a few minutes already still no changes happen.
I just joined the site a few minutes ago but I am not receiving an email confirmation on my email address, I don't know what is wrong about it. I just input the correct email address and its been a few minutes already still no changes happen.
try to check the spam folder, meanwhile i will try to contact admin.
I've tried it, but it seems that there are many other sites paying out much more. Initial progress is very slow because you need to complete 50 2-min Contracts to level up which will take a long time. You also need to "verify" everytime you complete a contract which makes things so much more of a hassle.
I've tried it, but it seems that there are many other sites paying out much more. Initial progress is very slow because you need to complete 50 2-min Contracts to level up which will take a long time. You also need to "verify" everytime you complete a contract which makes things so much more of a hassle.
Pretty much as every faucet/game needs a shortlink to verify things. thats how earnings are made, yes the early stage is slow, but hey im level 79.
New Update:
More Houses to rent from 2 to 6
Means more miners spaces.
Means more profit.
Longer rent duration for lower houses.

Come on and join and start your bitcoin farm Here!

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