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Uniqpayments.net |Payment gateway for high-risk projects

Uniqpayments.net |Payment gateway for high-risk projects

Uniqpayments.net review (1).jpg

Benz or freezing funds are frustrations for everyone. At UniqPayments we help high-risk projects to prevent such things. We save your time and money in order to provide you with the best Storage solutions on the market!

We specialize in setting up fully anonymous Stripe accounts with withdrawals to crypto or any bank account, passing any verifications, and providing responsive support and guidelines for using the setup safely.

Our service includes:
  • Stripe account with passed selfie verification
  • Passing of any other verifications that can occur
  • Legal entity documents registered on our nominees
  • Payoneer account
  • Responsive technical support service
  • Proxy website, that will be as trustable as possible for Stripe to cloak your real website, custom proxy API integration
Great solution for any type of e-commerce business, including high-risk ones. We have experience working with E-com, Nutra, iGaming, Forex.

The process of our work goes as follows:
  1. We receive an advance payment from you (we also work with trusted MM)
  2. Start preparing the account (open the company, develop proxy website, open the Stripe account itself)
  3. Then we pass the selfie verification
  4. Transfer the account to you with detailed instruction on how to safely use the Setup
Stripe (per transaction) commission - 2.9%
Withdrawal to Payoneer - 1%
Withdrawal to usdt - 1.5-2% (depends on the volume)
For Payoneer - USDT exchange, we provide our partner, or you can use any other trusted exchanges.

In case a Stripe account block occurs and it is not related to breach of any of our guidelines for the setup and chargeback rate was less than 1 percent when ban occured, we make the maximum effort to solve the problem together with the client and replace that.

It is strictly PROHIBITED to use our service for activities such money transmitting fraud, scam.

Also, please note, there has to be a gradual warm-up during the first month or so for account safety.

Once the selfie verification is successful, you can begin to gradually accept payments within acceptable limits.

1-2 weeks: up to $200-$300/day
3-5 weeks: up to $1000/day
6-9 weeks: up to $3000+/day
Once Gross Volume crosses the $100,000-$150,000 mark, you can scale more aggressively (if your business allows it)

Our price model :

— $2500 for 1 Stripe account + legal entity documents and sole access to it+ Payoneer + passing selfie and other verifications is on us + a proxy website that will be as trustable as possible for Stripe
— $300 optional for our custom API integration

— $2000 same offer, but without a proxy website, we will allocate a call for recommendations on the preparation of the proxy website upon the request

—There is also a possibility of revenue share (percentage from turnover), but we would request more info about your project in order to make you a tailored offer.

Discount of 10% and more applied for purchasing 3+ setups.

For details and further discussion:

- PM
- Telegram: @michael_uniqpayment

In case of contacting us via telegram double-check via PM with us for additional security !
First release
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5.00 star(s) 1 ratings

Latest reviews

Best if you don't want to have freezing funds. Very good service! ✔
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