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Partners.House - Traffic Monetization Affiliate Network

Partners.House - Traffic Monetization Affiliate Network


Greetings, friends!

Partners.House is a traffic monetization affiliate network with 4 popular advertising formats.

This year, we have undergone the most significant update, taking into account all the feedback and suggestions from our partners to create the most convenient conditions for working on the platform. Now, working with Partners.House has become even more functional and efficient.

What's new?

Brand new, user-friendly design with improved performance.
︎ New advertising monetization formats: InPage and OnClick.
︎ Enhanced statistics and a new dashboard that has all the essential information.
︎ Multi-code with all customizable settings directly from your dashboard, without the need to update the code.
︎ API for statistics and obtaining the latest domain.
︎ A new traffic-back monetization system.
︎ Payouts in USDT TRC20 with a standard minimum of $50.
︎ Top-performing landing pages in the system.
︎ The ability to disable specific ad categories for your platform.
︎ Two types of looping on landing pages (captcha and redirect).
︎ The option to disable platform-to-feed sales.
︎ Verification for correct service worker file installation.
︎ Extensive settings for InPage and OnClick formats.
︎ A new domain purchasing system and many other small yet impactful improvements.

Additionally, a CPS (subscription buyout) payment model will be launched soon.

Earnings and subscriptions from the old version are displayed in the new one, and the old version is still accessible at https://old.partners.house.

With Partners.House, you will forget about unstable payouts and sanctions from search engines.

Register now and start monetizing your traffic!

We would be happy to hear your feedback and comments in our official Telegram chat: https://t.me/publisher_push_house.
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