Free Domain Name Appraisal Services

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What are Domain Name Appraisal Services?

Domain Name Appraisal Services are online and free to use sites that allow domain owners to evaluate the value of their domain names based on different aspects. Different appraisal services work in different ways and use different factors to work out the value of your domain, which in itself is an issue for domain owners as it creates the question – which domain name appraisal service do I use?

What makes a domain valuable?

Domain name appraisal services will use a wide range of factors to value your domain including:

  • the length as shorter domains will be much easier for users to remember thus everyone prefers to have a short domain for their site.
  • domain age which will indicate how long a site has been active and therefore might be better for SEO purposes as you won’t have to work from the ground up.
  • the TLD as having a popular term along with a popular TLD like .com can make your domain value go up massively.

These are of course not the only factors but the majority of these appraisal services will look at these when determining the value of your domain.

Which domain name appraisal service should I use?

There is no correct answer for this as there are several and the biggest issue with them is that they all work differently and will usually give you varying results. For example, I got the following valuations for my domain that I haven’t done much work with:

GoDaddy – $1,182
Free Valuator – £195.42
Estibot – Less than $100

So should I use them at all?

The easy answer is no. The problem with domain name appraisal services is that you will never end up with a valuation that is close to what it is really worth. It may give you a valuation that is too low or too high. Instead, make sure to get some advice from others on domain forums or a domain expert that can give you a much more accurate valuation.

Pros & Cons

+ Domain name appraisal services can be used to help back up your valuation when trying to sell it to someone.
+ Some services, whilst still wrong, may help you to come up with an approximation range for your valuation.

– Services differ and you will get varying results from different appraisal services
– The factors that the services consider are not the only factors that will help you value your domain.

Do you have a specific domain and looking for more opinions? Check out this forum thread:

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